Thursday, October 9, 2014


The Eastern Roman Empire from around 330 to 1453 C.E maintain Roman culture and traditions before and after the "end "of the city which sustain long history of distinctive churches and other decorative buildings. That become central image of Byzantium and their  Orthodox churches. Constantine moves capital to escape the aggression of Germanic nation and rename the  Greek city Byzantium -Constantinople after his name. (today Istanbul).Life in the Constantinople was same as in Rome and citizens called themselves Romans even though they spoke Greek. Emperor Justinian declares Christianity as the only legal religion in the 6th century; church become powerful. In 1054 east and west churches separated over doctrinal issues and fight between each other for centuries. Byzantine time was once full of prosperity and expansion ,but then fall and  rise in power again. Decline begins in 1203 when crusade start to sack Constantinople and Byzantine empire ends finally in 1453. Importnt fact is that Byzantine not only preserve Roma law and culture but ancient Greek culture by supporting intelectual life full of  classicism inspiration.The byzantine blend classical with Early Christian and Easter influences into distinctive churches architecture and decoration Symbolism are important in ornaments and in forms.The most known building from Byzantine time is of course Haga Sophia in  Constantinople (today Istanbul) (below).

Haga Sophia 

Byzantine interiors are decorated in rich colours and materials, full of paintings ,mosaic marble panels what cover floors and walls and the ceiling. The expression is not classical becouse combine elements form Christian iconogray with the classical and with wealth of gold and richness of natural light. It create otherworldly feelings. Hagia Sophia ( picture above ) is the grandness masterpiece of complex architecture. 
A few pieces of furniture survive from Byzantine time. They are draped with fabric seating often has cushions.  Material used for furniture are mostly wood metal marble and ivory , jewelled and gold and silver inlay. 

Maximianus throne. 

Throne are often illustrated in manuscripts .The Maximianus throne made for Archbishop Maximianus of Ravenna is constructed of ivory carved with animals birds and foliage.
The panels shows saints  and scenes from life of Christ.

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